Monday, November 24, 2008

The Little People

When I started taking nature photos I didn't like to have any visible sign of man. I wanted everything to look totally wild and natural. However, I slowly started to include people into my nature photography. Sometimes it was only because they were unavoidable but usually it was to give the photo some sort of scale. I've begun to notice a pattern in the way I use people in my photographs. They are usually small in the frame. This helps to make nature look big. It shows just how small we are in comparison to nature and it can create a feeling of awe. After all, the photo is about the nature, not the people. Here are some examples of the little people and the big nature.

Above: Two young girls and a waterfall. 

Above: Hiker in a desolate slot canyon in Southern Utah.

Above: I wanted to show the size of this hoodoo so I had my sister pose with it. I really like how the photo turned out. I think it is a lot more interesting having someone in this photo. I titled it face to face.

Above: This shot was taken many years ago with a film camera. I love how small the climber looks compared to the waterfall.

Above: The shallow water made for a really nice photo. Again I had my sister pose for me.

All photos © Ryan Thayne

Friday, September 12, 2008


I seem to be getting more and more minimal in my nature photography. These are some older photos but I think they show the direction I've been going lately. I guess "kiss" has become my motto. Keep It Simple Stupid.

This one is the Slat Flats at sunset.

This is smoke obscuring a forest in Yellowstone.

This one is a slot canyon in Southern Utah.

This one is the tip of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"top secret" photography project

This next year I will be working on a special photography project.  This blog will be used to show some of my work and my ideas. Which posts have anything to do with the project will be kept secret.